Sunday, April 21, 2013

Helping Widows

Thanks to the generosity of those who have.....these widows each received a bag of food today after church.  They are very grateful.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Hard Workin' and Havin' Fun

Trisha from Montana has been wanting to dig a hole or shovel something around since she got here!  So we found her some gravel to shovel to fix up the pathway to the medical clinic one morning. She was so excited!  Then she was dared to do it in a dress.......

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

California and Montana Teams

New Covenant Team from Kalispell, Montana

Father's House Team from the San Francisco area
Last week, we welcomed these two teams to Haiti Arise.  They are hard working and a great deal of fun!  They are spending most of their time painting and then cleaning in the Technical School...........


Friday, April 12, 2013

Sponsor Kids

One of joys of being here is that I get to take pictures of some of the kids that have sponsors when they receive gifts.  This is a  very special time for them as they treasure everything they are given.  Yesterday, several received bags of food and a new dress outfit.



Clean Up

Haiti Arise has received a couple of containers from Canada/US by ship.  They have a variety of items on them from clothes to furnishings to medical supplies and equipment.
This particular container had a lot of medical supplies on it, so our nurse had a couple of our team people help her clean it out and sort it.  There were many items useful for our clinic (which is now up and running three days / week).  Other items that we would not use here and extras were taken to our local hospital where they were most appreciative.

We are also starting to collect linens and clothing for the Children's Village which will be opening in 2014. They are kept safely in the container.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Our Own Market

Haiti Arise is blessed with lots of donations of clothing, shoes and some household items.  They are distributed regularly and every few months, we hold a market where the excess can be taken.  We invited the Haiti Arise staff on Saturday morning to 'shop' at the market.  We ask for a small amount (25 goudes or .60 US) per item and the proceeds to go the church fund.  The church fund is to help people who have unexpected needs come up - such as needing medical attention or paying for a funeral of a loved one.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Baptism Service

We had a baptism service yesterday at our water front property.  We met at the church to sing and have testimonies from the people who were getting baptized and then we walked to the ocean.  We sang songs and hymns all the way there and back.
Thirty-five Haitians and 4 Canadians were baptized....What an amazing experience.  Wade helped teach the baptism class with Marc.  He assisted with the baptisms -- a definite highlight for him.
Our friend Jhony

Walking to the property

Ladies Afternoon at the Beach

On Monday afternoon, the ladies from The Link Team (Medicine Hat), hosted an afternoon out for the church ladies at the Haiti Arise water front property.
We met at the church and walked to the beach together. Most of us went for a swim and played some games.  The men cooked a delicious supper for us and brought it to us and even served it. 
After supper, one of the ladies brought a devotional and we sang and prayed together.  What a great time...........

We had a relay race - running with a tub of mangoes on our heads.  The Haitian women won this 'hands down'.